Where have you been?

Honestly, I have just been busy with travel, school, work, and personal life. I am rusty at this blog thing as I wrote this entire post and accidentally deleted it, so please be patient with me as I figure out how to be a better blog writer and website owner. My goal for this site is to be a resource for fellow travelers when making plans and a spot to discuss sustainable tourism. I am here to answer your travel questions, provide stories about my adventures, and cover hard topics throughout the tourism industry.

Traveling is my favorite activity to do and that is what has been overcoming my life since we last spoke after Thanksgiving 2021. I have been to Las Vegas, North Carolina, Washington State, Florida, California, England, and many other places since I last wrote a blog post. This blog will become a better resource filled with my knowledge of travel, tourism, and the world. I am not saying I am all-knowing about this, I am only 26 years old.

I want to be very clear. I am learning. I am exploring. I want to learn and explore together. I am just asking questions.

This will be a journey of self-discovery, and a better understanding of myself as a traveler and a person on this planet, and it will get complicated at times.

I am someone who is lost and trying to figure out who I am and how I can benefit the world. What is my impact? Can I influence positive change? How can tourism influence the world to be a safer more peaceful place?

Let’s dive into these topics and see what we can explore together!


What are you carrying?